PPG Students’ Perception of PPG Program in Developing Their Teaching Ability


  • Azwar Abbas Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author
  • Shafira Amaliawati Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author
  • Nila Aulia Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author
  • Tessana Agustiningrum Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author




Professional Development, Teaching Program , Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG), Students’ Perception


Teaching ability is one of the components needed in achieving students’ competency targets. In this case, PPG program students need to master an effective teaching skill. In this study, the researchers aimed to examine the impact and experience of the Pres-service PPG program in developing teacher professionalism. The researchers provided three participants of the 2022/2023 Pre-service PPG program. This study used qualitative descriptive design and the interview technique was implemented to obtain the data. The results of this study indicate that the participants gave a positive response to the pre-service PPG program. This is shown from the results of the interviews that the program was very useful in improving teaching skills an the students  also got several benefits during the period of PPG program.


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